When The Coach Gets Stuck
Even coaches are human. I know, hard to believe right? ; )
Earlier this year, despite the power of our wonderful tools, strategies, and methods at Bonfire that we use personally and use to help our clients make progress, get unstuck, and feel joyful, there was something unseen painfully calling at my Soul.
I was in a season of longing and discontent.
Like you, I did what I knew to do to get unstuck and to cultivate feelings of progress and joy.
Yet there was something building.
I was feeling unhappy, unfulfilled, and felt as if I had jumped onto a hamster wheel, running as fast as I could to keep the business afloat and life in an “Above the Line” mode.
So what does a coach do when she is feeling stuck?
I prayed.
Seriously. I deepened my meditative connection and prayed. Not once, many times over many weeks.
What did I pray for?
I prayed for insight into the stuckness.
I prayed to understand the longing.
I prayed for freedom and growth.
I prayed for my next level.
Not all prayers are answered immediately. I think those that do are called miracles.
When I pray for answers I often think of the process not unlike going to my favorite restaurant and ordering an extravagant meal.
The waiter memorizes the long, detailed order ( that always makes me nervous), and takes it to the kitchen, behind closed doors where the magic happens.
I wait.
Waiting patiently is the best form of waiting although, when in pain, often the hardest.
And then VOILA the meal appears and, much to my delight, is better and more delicious than I could have ever dreamed.
Prayers are like that.
When they are answered, what comes forth is more powerful and more extraordinary than we could have ever dreamed.
My prayers were answered while I was on a business trip in Nashville, not even thinking about the stuckness.
What has unfolded from those answered prayers has been, in all ways, a true miracle.
In my next email, I will share all about the answered prayers.
Hint, hint… It’s how I learned of the #75 Hard program and what it felt like to absolutely know this was the answer to all my prayers.
Moral of this story today…
Move toward the pain
Move toward the longing
Your power is in being present with it and not excusing it away
Ask in dedicated prayer for answers
Ask in dedicated prayer to understand
Ask in dedicated prayer for your next level
Wait patiently as the Divine kitchen fills your order
Act as soon as you feel the energy the answer
Thank you for your friendship, your following, and your dedication to a better life for yourself and those you love.
I appreciate you.
Love, Tina Marie