How many sessions do I get and how long are they?
The number of sessions you get will depend on the package recommended based on the results you wish to make and achieve. In our Complimentary Strategy Session, we will help you assess how many sessions will be needed to get you from where you are to where you would love to be.
Depending on your package, sessions are either 60 minutes or 30 minutes long. Most people opt for the 60-minute session as they are able to make progress in multiple areas, gain strategy, understanding and reconnect with their vision in even more powerful ways.
Most people opt for using 2 - 3 sessions a month, leaving time in between to catch up on commitments and make the progress they have aimed for.
How does coaching help me make results? Is there a guarantee?
Bonfire Coaching is structured to help you organize your goals, prioritize them and make steady progress on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis based on the plan design you agree with in your onboarding process.
We have built-in touchpoints, accountability, and strategy to ensure you are energized and engaged in your process.
The work you will be doing is based on commitments you are making to yourself and the reasons you are seeking out coaching. Our guarantee is that you will get proven strategy, dedicated support, and a professional coach focused on your most heartfelt results. We know the system works when YOU work it. We know the results are within YOUR reach.
Is there a structure to the coaching program and how does it work?
Yes, there is proven structure, method and strategy. That is the absolute beauty of how the Bonfire System works. Our program is built upon a proprietary set of tools that are designed to help you shift from a stuck, draining way of living to a powerful, focused, and energized state of being. First, we have an onboarding system that takes you through a comprehensive interview, focusing on the primary reasons you sought out coaching. Your first session, the Kickoff Session, allows you and your coach to step through the results of the online interview, mapping your goals, pace for creating results, your “Big Why” and next steps. We have strategy and frameworks to help you dedicate focused time in your schedule for your results. We take you through three proprietary assessments and use the information to help you structure your progress and tasks to your specific energy/ personality style. When you meet with your coach you will notice a framework we pace each session through to help you stay clear, make progress and celebrate your wins. The Bonfire Method is the backbone of our success with our clients and will be the structure you will love to learn how to create amazing results in your life as your new ongoing discipline.
Want to see how Bonfire Coaching changes people’s lives?
What happens in between sessions?
In between sessions, you have access to your coach. He/She will want to hear how your progress is unfolding, what wins you have, or if you feel stuck. We call our in-between sessions and check-ins “411’s/and 911’s”. 411 check-ins are great to get that morning inspiration, a boost before you go into the interview or a connection with someone who is in your corner. 911s are used when life feels painful and you want to reconnect with the Bonfire Toolset that has helped you so much. Your coach will help you get in-state and warrior up.
Are sessions in person or virtual?
We do have our amazing corporate offices in the Houston area where coaching sessions can happen in person. Many people love coming to the office and meeting with their coach in person. And all our sessions can happen over Zoom too. We fit into your schedule and your wants. Our offices are open Monday - Friday and our zoom sessions, for many of our coaches, extend to include Saturday morning.
You can also record your sessions to keep for playback or transcription.
What happens if I do not like the coach I am paired with?
The Bonfire Coaching team of coaches is handpicked by our founder, Tina Marie. Each coach comes with their own unique professional background and depth of experience. Some bring deep knowledge from corporate settings, while others have specialized in running companies. All coaches are trained and certified in the Bonfire methods of ‘staying above the line’ and creating powerful progress in all areas of life. They have all been certified in our Bonfire Method, tools, strategies, and intervention exercises. Each week our coaches attend two meetings to communicate your progress and stay fresh on their coaching skills. When we originally pair you with a coach we take into account your needs, background, goals, and personality. If ever you feel your coach is not the best one for you, we will introduce you to another of our coaches and help in the new onboarding process so the transition feels effortless to you. It is our aim to have you be extremely satisfied with the results you make and with the experience you have while coaching with Bonfire.
Career Coaching FAQs:
So I Am In The Application To Hire Process And Have Interviewed A Couple of times, Do I Really need to Improve My LinkedIn And Resume, And Gain Career Clarity?
So, if you believe that you're already in the process and you're really clear on where you're going, and why you're going there, then we can start with making sure that your online profile is representing you well. And I basically want to step through our typical process just to make sure that you've done everything so we can dot the I's and cross the T's and check mark those boxes. Because sometimes you don't know how you've been representing yourself, or maybe you're going for a job that's less than where you should be in this leap that you're taking. So anyone who's coming in and they're moving from where they are to another job, we don't want to do a sideline position, we want to do an increase, and we want to do everything we can to position and represent you well so that you're going in with more compensation, a greater title, more responsibilities if you want them for that increase in career, and to make sure that you have negotiated everything and have the potential to do that for yourself so that you're not leaving anything on the table.
Is My LinkedIn Profile Really That Important In the Job Application Process?
Yes. LinkedIn is the platform that hiring managers, recruiters, and companies are using to figure out who you are. And like it or not, they're going to be out there seeing your job history. Does it coincide with your resume? They're going to be looking for recommendations of people that you've worked with that are on your profile. They are going to see what other groups you're affiliated with and try to get a picture. They're going to form a picture of you. And so what we need to do is make sure that the picture they're forming is cohesive and on brand for you and definitely on brand for the jobs that you are applying for. And then second, your LinkedIn profile is a web search profile. Like if you have a website anyone who has a website you know about SEO. SEO is search engine optimization. Well, inside of LinkedIn, the backend algorithms are matching you to things. And so we want those SEO effects within the backend of your LinkedIn to be working for you while you sleep. And so is your LinkedIn important? Yes, your LinkedIn is important and we're going to show you why and how. It's a very easy fix and usually takes a day for most people to get it up to par. And so, it's not a big expense and it's not a big use of time. However, it's extremely important.
So I Have A Job Now, How Do I Not Risk My Current Job, While In the Application To Hire Process, Especially With A Career Coach?
We understand that confidentiality is needed while you're in a position because we do not want to tip the hat that you're looking. We understand how to use those backend algorithms to allow recruiters and hiring managers to find you yet not have them risk your current job. We know how to do that for you. The second thing is that we help you understand what to say in that interview process and the application process so that they understand that your current job, they can't call it, they can't reach out to those people as references or do anything to stalk you online, that is because you need to stay in your current job and you need to feel secure there. So as far as you know, can we help you take where you are to where you want to be and not risk your current job? The answer is yes.
What Types Of Individuals Has Bonfire Worked With And What Levels Within Those Jobs Does Bonfire Have Experience With?
So, we've been working for 15 years at career coaching and coaching executives. And so the answer is every single level. We've helped people come straight out of university into a career. That's the very beginning stages. We've also helped middle managers, frontline managers, directors, and senior VPs, all the way up to the executive level CEOs, COOs, and CFOs inside of Fortune 100 companies. We've negotiated $50,000 salary packages for new grads all the way up to $150,000 depending on their skill set and the desire of them in the marketplace. We've also helped negotiate two and $3 million packages with bonus pools and stock options for our executives. And so the answer is the full spectrum because we've been doing this for a while and we have a lot of experience working with individuals. We're ready to work with you.
How Is Working With A Career Coach Different From Working With A Recruiter?
First, the recruiter works for the employer. They are hired by the employer with a job requirement, and their goal is to fill that job requirement with whoever is going to be accepted by the employer. So yes, it's good to work with a recruiter, especially if you're an executive, because those positions require a lot more negotiation. And oftentimes the higher level positions are not posted on job boards. However, career coaching works for you. How does that work? So we will be the people in your corner that help you understand the clarity of what you're looking for, and what would be nice, so we can add some definite benefits on top of your career package. And then we also know your deal breakers.
So we're the ones over here, like a referee in the corner going, you sure you want to take this one? You said that this wasn't going to match your needs, and yet you may be saying yes to something you won't like long term. So where you're sounding board, we also press the envelope. So oftentimes, whenever we are in our own job search, we only believe these things are possible because it's what we know. Well, a career coach will help you go beyond what is possible and have you think outside the box and look into different careers that you may not have even thought were possible for you so that you can have new aliveness, passion, innovation, and a definite higher career path. Because we keep our ears to the ground on what's going on in the job market, we are listening, and we understand where skill sets are needing to be applied. We also have a lot of connections with companies who are looking. So we're not recruiters. We get paid by you because we work for you. Recruiters get paid by the employer because they work for the employer. And so that's the main difference. And we're here to make sure that you make the best decision for you and your needs and don't tolerate anything less than that. And definitely don't settle.
How Much Does Bonfire Career Coaching Cost?
So I'm glad you're asking that question because we all want to be mindful of the investment we're making to increase ourselves and get us from where we are to where we'd love to be. Career coaching is an investment. It's an investment in you finding clarity, understanding how to strategically represent yourself, and go for something more than you may be able to stretch on your own. Oftentimes people go from where they are to where they want to be and it's a lateral move or a semi-up move. What we want to do is help you find your dream job. Dream job is what would you love? I want you to be in love with the decision that you make and that you're going to know that this was totally worth the investment. So the investment is broken out into different pieces because we're putting it all into a package and we're going to assess in our complimentary consultation which of these pieces you honestly need.
And then once we understand that then you're going to have your price. And so our coaching programs range between if you're doing a single session and you're going straight into interview prep, $500. If you're doing a full package for a middle manager or a lower-level position, you're looking at 2,500. If we're adding in resume rebuilds and LinkedIn rebuilds, it may get up to 2,800. And then if you're an executive, depending on what we need to do in order to help you, represent yourself in a presentation, in a video to help you understand where to connect the dots overseas with other global firms that may have openings, it may take more work on our part to help you. And so those can go all the way up $3,000 to $6,000. Okay, so hopefully that answered your question. The next step for you is to book a complimentary consultation and let's put those pieces together and see what your package would actually be because the investment pays for itself. I'm going to say that again. The investment pays for itself. So if you're getting 10 to 20% increase minimum in your compensation that we're going to help you push the envelope on, and many of our clients get 20, 30, 40% increases in their negotiated salary packages, then we pay for ourselves. We don't want to be a burden to you. We want you to see the investment was so worth it. I'm so glad I did it.