Blinders: Sometimes you don’t Know that you have Them on
To some, the idea of partnering with an experienced coach, someone who has skills to help them break through their own limits and get to the next level of success and fulfillment for themselves, is second nature.
Maybe they grew up on a sports team, or in a family where partnering with others was the norm, with a mentor or teacher who helped them achieve their goals even faster.
For others, partnering with a professional coach is not the norm. They may first rely on themselves, “pulling themselves up by their bootstraps,” so to speak, to go for their dreams alone. After all, we can depend on ourselves when we can’t depend on anyone else, right?
For so many years of my life, I fell into the second group. I was the one who would read and study ferociously and go for my plans, dreams and life needs by myself. I would keep quiet and simply produce. I was careful not to share my thoughts with too many people, especially with the ones who I had learned would pooh-pooh my ideas.
Was I successful? Yes.
Was I as successful as I could have been? No.
I did not know I had blinders on. Does the horse that has blinders on know it?
Does the mind simply get used to seeing only one perspective and moving in one direction, because that is all it can see?
Not until I hit a major wall of confusion, pain, remorse and anger, did I finally get humble enough and honestly, vulnerable enough, to reach out for help. I did not know what I did not know.
Life had humbled me. I felt lost, confused and stuck. The levels of achievement I had reached, the awards, the accolades, a million in the bank, the big house, the fancy cars, the plane, the vacation homes, the staff around me, it was all great, yet inside, I felt stuck.
My old ways of getting myself unstuck by reading books, signing up for programs, even going to church, were not working. I knew there was something else.
A friend of mine, who had been working with a coach, was crushing her goals. She was getting fit and had changed her wardrobe. She seemed happier and full of energy. She published a book in nine months (had a baby she said), launched a business, was pulling in enough to leave her job and buy her own home. Damn! I thought. She was on fire.
At lunch, she shared that she had hired a coach to clarify her thoughts, make a plan and hold her accountable every week. I called her coach and signed up.
My life had so much going for it. And it was about to be turned into high gear. I doubled my client base, upped my fees twice, produced intake packets, created brand messaging, clarified out the wazoo and transformed my thinking into, can do, will do, must do.
I never turned back. Now I have a coach in my corner and know the absolute value of partnering with people who have systems, processes, strategies and the network to help me get to where I want to be faster.
In the end, the investments I have made in coaching over the past 10 years have sky-rocketed my wealth, health and energy. When confusion wants to creep in, I reach for help faster. There will always be a person in my network who has been there, done that, who I can lean on, and off I go on my own to execute.
I love it! Then I get to celebrate with my coach and my mastermind network when I have breakthroughs, new wins and stellar results. They celebrate with me because badasses do not compare themselves nor seek to hold anyone back.
So why work with a professional coach? Here are some of the personal gains I received and continue to receive. Even being the founder and head coach of an amazing coaching academy and coaching firm, I will always have an outside, trusted coach in my corner, keeping me aligned and on fire with my own vision.
Why work with a Bonfire Coach?
• To gain more clarity and direction for goals
• To project where goals will take you in lif
• To help you become ultra-resourceful despite your circumstances
• To have someone challenge you to push through your limiting beliefs
• To have a partner who will help you make steady progress toward your goals
• To have a cheerleader when it gets hard—and it will!
• To help you have strategies for great energy, focus, determination and passion
• To have someone who will teach you life, career and business hacks to crush bad habits
• To expand your network of badass people also aiming high (no slackers allowed)
• To vent to without judgment, so you breakthrough your own limits
• To tell you the absolute truth and not allow your mental BS to stand in your way
• To celebrate with you when you succeed and keep you moving forward
Here’s to your amazing life.
Here’s to you feeling happy, alive, passionate and connected to your vision, purpose and power.
Reach out: We are ready to work with you.
Coach Tina Marie
Founder of Bonfire Coaching and The Bonfire Method