#31: Tina Marie Talks with certified Bonfire Coach Kara St. Cyr



Tina Marie talks to Bonfire Coach Kara St. Cyr about her past that led her to become a Certified Bonfire Coach as well as the ideal client experience. We learn about what it has led her to and some of the interesting things that have happened along the way.


Kara is a Leadership facilitator with over 25 years of experience in diverse work environments. Throughout her career she has worked with Electricity, Financial Consulting, Manufacturing and Distribution, and Oil and Gas companies. Her expertise is in the design, delivery and management of training, coaching, and leadership development programs.

She has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication Skills from Baylor University in Waco, Texas. She is also certified in Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Development Dimensions International (DDI), Franklin Covey and Who Moved My Cheese. She graduated from the Dale Carnegie Leadership Program, and continued to work as a student volunteer.

In addition to her professional background, Kara’s volunteer work also aligns with her desire to see others succeed. She has worked with various high schools on the Cinderella/Cinderfella prom programs, as a DECA Marketing competition judge and as a business liaison for juniors and seniors to help prepare resumes and work on interviewing skills. She has also worked with Dress for Success to prepare young women for interviewing and the business environment.


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stcyrkara/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kara.stcyr

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kara-st-cyr-b52287/


Tina Marie St.Cyr (00:02):

Hello, welcome to light your life. Here we are. Again, thank you so much for lending your ear, your attention, your heart, your soul, your sense of curiosity, that growth seed inside of you. That wants to become more of who you authentically are, who wants to surmount any odds that happen to come into your sphere of life and say that which I am becoming is right here right now. We, each time you and I and our guests, we sit at the hymn of wisdom itself and we pull it in and say, how can it grow me? So thank you again. I'm your host, Tina Marie St. Sierra. And it's so great to be with you today. What we're diving into is getting to meet one of our bond for our coaches. I love introducing you to the staff we have here, and the people that have come, not only to the bonfire, they have been clients and because of the effect in their own lives of the tool sets and the frameworks and the methodologies that we use here at bonfire, it's transformed them.

Tina Marie St.Cyr (01:01):

They've said, Hey, I want to be a coach. I want to do this for other people too. And that's why you're going to get to meet Kara St. Sierra. Now, first, I want to let you know, we share the same last name. That's the funny part. Isn't it talk about that we share the same last name. However, we have not been able to figure out that we're actually blood related. Of course we're so related. Absolutely such an interesting last name, like whatever. I'm married into the St. Sierra name. I literally thought, can we buy a vowel because there's not enough Val's here. And I don't know if you have this experience in like meeting people or customer service or people that just look at your name, either on your license or someone they're going, how do we say this? Right.

Kara St. Cyr (01:45):

What are some of the stories

Tina Marie St.Cyr (01:47):

With the last name St. Sierra? What have been some of those hilarious stories you've encountered?

Kara St. Cyr (01:52):

People do look at it. And I think one of the first things I say is it's misspelled, but I get everything from sticker to St. Cry, dicer to St or just fear. Not the two of them together. And growing up, I had the address of one, two, three, four, five. So with that, nobody believed anything that I said in regards to who I was

Tina Marie St.Cyr (02:20):

Five cherry lane. Right. That's kind of funny because it's like okay, so this is an alias and what are you hiding? That's it literally sticker stickers, strikers people like waiters and waitresses will come. And do you mind, like, how do you say your last name? That's

Kara St. Cyr (02:41):

It that's exactly it. I'm always loving when somebody says they're right. And it's like, Whoa, wait a minute.

Tina Marie St.Cyr (02:53):

Yes. We both share the last name St. Sarah and our relation of the heart and soul to help others in their lives. So we're getting to know Kara today. And so you begin with the client, you know let people know, you know, what has life been like for Cara? It's, you know, w we learn from each other's stories and we feel connected whenever we realize, Hey, we didn't come into this world with all the answers, and we're not here to go, Hey, do it as I do. And your life will be amazing. No we have guidance systems inside of us. So let us get to know Kara a little bit more. What, where do you come from? You know, what was that growing up?

Kara St. Cyr (03:35):

I am a native Houstonian, lived here all my life, very proud Texan. And I grew up in what I would have always considered a loving family with challenges in regards to relationships with my brother and my sister. And so at a very young age, it was none of us were alike. And so it was a challenge. And being the youngest, I probably was picked on the most and called the goody two shoes and just learn from all of their mistakes. And, you know, it's interesting at one point in time I experienced a lot of death in my life that I had not experienced before. And it was like on a two year calendar, I lost my sister to suicide, and then my father had been saved, but I think he also was heartbroken when he passed away. And then right after that, my best friend passed away from cancer.

Kara St. Cyr (04:36):

And then just a few years later, I've lost my brother who most likely died of alcoholism. And so I encountered all of those challenges and I think just for the longest time I was stuck, I was like, I don't know how to deal with this. I don't really know how to move forward. Where do I get my support? And it was just always, always back toward the back of my mind. There's gotta be something more. I moved to San Diego. I thought I'm going to get brave. We're going to step out of Houston. I loved it there, but it was a learning experience. As I'm discovered, the older I've gotten, I have learned from all my experiences that I've gone through. And I had a quick, quick trip back to Houston for a six month contract. And two months into my contract, I got into a car accident. Oh, man. Car accident is what has ultimately led me to becoming a Bon fire coach. I,

Tina Marie St.Cyr (05:36):

We did not hit her. That was not a bonfire car. Yeah, no, that is not a good way. But how did, how did it lead you to becoming a coach?

Kara St. Cyr (05:53):

Well, it's, it's interesting in that the accident itself resulted in a blood clot being dislodged. And I ended up having to have, I was in surgery for 14 hours and just ended up with 10 incisions, 115 staples. And it's just like, why what, what is going on? And through some attempt to discover some things that actually referred to Dr. Jackie St. Cyr for some chiropractic work. And because again, the name is like, Oh, you gotta be really good. And so I went and not only was she amazing, but it was a different kind of chiropractic work. And I had expected. And the, through that relationship, I have gotten to know you, and I've gotten to know the other bonfire coaches, which ultimately led me to say, I know I'm stuck and I need something. And I just knew the energy that bonfire coach gave to me, coaching gave to me that that was the right place for me to begin my journey and my search. And that's how I ended up with bonfire coaching.

Tina Marie St.Cyr (07:01):

There you go. Thanks for sharing. And so another like asterisk in our story is that you mentioned Dr. Jackie Saint seer, who has been one of our guests here on the podcast. She happens to be my wife and yes, life led me to Jackie. After, you know, my body was in pain. I was also feeling stuck and the, the universal energies, those invisible forces, you know, that have a lot more intelligence than any of us. Thank goodness. Led me to walk through her door. And of course, not only did she help me with my nervous system and the pain in my body, but she became my beloved, which I'm extremely grateful for. And yeah, so nature and life is always leading us to our destiny if we're, if we're listening. Right.

Kara St. Cyr (07:49):

Absolutely. That's the key, listen, that's

Tina Marie St.Cyr (07:52):

The key. Yeah. Yeah. And I'm Irish on both ends. And so I'm, I'm, I'm stubborn to the core. And so it takes a little bit, I think the angels, the day that they had Jackie and I meet, I think they finally rejoiced, I think there was a big party in heaven. And then the theorial realms that they said, finally, we did it, you know, that our project that took way too many years. And so here we are. And so yes, leading the bonfire and having bond for our coaches, which we select each one of our bond, our coaches, because of your, your history and your, your heart and your soul, you know, it's, it's an energy that we have here. And so care. I know that, you know, life circumstances led you to that stock place, but not everybody latches on to, I want to own my life and take myself to the next level. So what was it like whenever you were early into your first client, when you were early into being aware of bonfire methodologies, and, you know, the above the line below the line, the boxes, the understandings of energy States, and how do you transform your thinking whenever you first had those awarenesses, where did you begin to see your life transform?

Kara St. Cyr (09:10):

You know, it's interesting because I didn't expect a transformation to happen so quickly. And it was, it was truly committing to the process and seeing that the tools that bonfire coaching had to offer very different than any of the other experiences that I've had in trying to move forward or to change my life. And so working as a client with bonfire coaching, seeing how easy it was, as I say, easy, when you're committed, looking at it and saying, Oh, I recognize now where I have been, I've been below the line. I understand that my thinking has helped to lead to the circumstances that my thinking has led me to believe that I am not capable or I'm not good enough. And after spending time with my coach and the tools, it was just amazing, the energy that I felt, seeing results, using the tools, and then being curious and excited and wanting to take it to that next level. And that's, you know, I knew immediately I had found the right place and then found the right tools to help me get where I wanted to go and continue to want to go.

Tina Marie St.Cyr (10:25):

Thank you so much. And one thing that I remember one of your bigger goals were at that time was getting a new career and tell us about that history. Cause it's been an amazing ride for you in the last year and a half.

Kara St. Cyr (10:39):

It is it has been most definitely. So being stuck and trying to figure out what it was that I wanted to do. I became more passionate about, wow, this, this has helped me so much. I can only imagine what it can do for others. So in my mind, I knew at some point I was going to become a bonfire coach in that process. And having grown so much, I, I was searched out for a position in Saudi Arabia. It's not anything that I had looked for myself, and it's nothing that passed through the realm of my consciousness of something that I want to do. But knowing that I had what it takes and I have the tools to take with me and that my warrior was going to walk with me. I took a dive and I said, I'm going for it. And with the support of bonfire coaching and my coach and the other coaches, there was just so much support and excitement that I knew there was no way it wasn't going to happen. And sure enough, I got the job and on my own packed up and moved to Saudi Arabia by myself in October of 2019, and was just so excited for an amazing experience.

Tina Marie St.Cyr (11:58):

Yeah, absolutely. I remember that courage inside of you and that revolve and that excitement and, and to adventure into literally literally a foreign land and to take who you are and leave behind. I mean, it takes, it takes a lot of courage and, and vision to say, I'm going for it. Do you remember that version of yourself that was, you know, just take us to the place where one you're packing, you're having to select the things that are going to go with you. Right? You can't take everything, you took your cats. Right.

Kara St. Cyr (12:28):

I did take my cats.

Tina Marie St.Cyr (12:31):

So cats can go to Saudi Arabia and then you land in Saudi Arabia. What's it like an American that you've been a professional here, career professional here at corporate trainer and you land in Saudi Arabia. Take us to that, to that moment.

Kara St. Cyr (12:48):

No, it's exciting. Because the first thing I wanted to do was just learn anything and everything that I could about Saudi Arabia and what living there was going to be like. And I was well aware that there had been a lot of changes made in the country. Literally right before I arrived. So it was new and women were allowed to drive. Whereas a couple of years ago they weren't allowed to drive. So getting off the airplane was the first time I had to put in a bio and put the hijab on to cover the hair. And so it was so exciting. Like we got there and I'm like, it's two o'clock in the morning and I've got to put my bio on. And it was, I want to say, almost like a kid in the candy store, you just get off the plane. And you're just like, I'm really here. Like, I'm really doing this. And, you know, being picked up, taken to the hotel rests, and then it was hit the ground running the next day. And it was just learning how to get through everything. How do you get tree gum and how do you activate your gum, but where do you need to go to do this? Where do you need to go to do that? And it was an adventure figuring all that stuff out on my own and knowing, wow, I got this. Yeah.

Tina Marie St.Cyr (14:05):

The language of words that most of us don't even know what you're talking about. And a guy what's that. And then Avaya is the dress

Kara St. Cyr (14:14):

To wear. It's generally a black it's like a dress a clothes so to speak. And it literally covers you from your neck all the way down to your ankles and it covers your arm. And that is what women are expected to wear out in public and at the workplace on a daily basis. And so I found my first device in Houston and can wait to go buy a shopping when I got there. And so that is the standard attire that you must go out in public. And then they also have this scarf that covers the hair. The hair is a very part of the Muslim religion, as far as keeping it covered. Everything is about preparing yourself for your future husband. And and so it was really exciting to understand that that that's why they, part of the reason why they dress the way that they do. And I was so excited just to jump in and let me experience

Tina Marie St.Cyr (15:11):

It. Yeah. That's so fun. I love it. And so you were there even through the pandemic and it's nobody, nobody would have expected a pandemic, you know, we just don't go, Oh, when's the next pandemic going to happen? It's not like hurricane season. Right. so what was it like whenever the world started to shut down?

Kara St. Cyr (15:32):

No, it was interesting. There was three months into my stay there and you start hearing about these things. And at first, the obviously was very concerning. I'm on the other side of the world and my mom and my family is here. And there was nothing that I could do to get back home. We ended up quarantining and as a over 55 person in Saudi Arabia, you're considered geriatric. So yes, that was the first slap in the face. So it was being called geriatric.

Tina Marie St.Cyr (16:09):

Oh, no, no, we're not. Okay.

Kara St. Cyr (16:12):

That's it? Exactly. So it's geriatrics. You weren't allowed to work like those under 55 could still go into the office. And so it just became more challenging at first I was like, all right, well, this is part of my experience, but literally you being quarantined by yourself for nine months. And having those conversations, my mom's 90 and I had always promised her I'm two plane rides away on 24 hours away. And I wasn't able to fulfill that Ms. Turn 90th birthday. And, and so I maintained maintained my health, physical and mental health while I was still there. However, when I came home, I realized that it really had taken a toll on me. And I was so thankful for the experience and came home with the, okay, I'm supposed to learn something from it. And that's how I've approached the experience. At this point in time, I never got to travel. That was one of my big why's for going over there. And so I didn't really get to see the world that I wanted. But it, it was not an experience that I wanted. It was an experience that I needed though. And that's the way that I hit that.

Tina Marie St.Cyr (17:26):

That's beautiful. And so, you know, what I'm hearing there is that we have a blueprint, we have a vision, of course we do, you know, we're visionary beings to see our future and to plan in the regard to reach that right. And as a coach, you help clients do that. You help them find that clarity, find those goals, find that energy of their future selves. And then the chunk back that back down into what action steps do we need to then form in order to make that progress that's necessary. And sometimes I blueprint, doesn't add up to what we had a vision for and how, how are we going to be with it as opposed to either off or regretful or angry or fearful to even take a next step? You know, you can imagine someone saying great, well that didn't work out. So I'm not going to do it again, you know is that, you know, your own inventory of this season of your life what gifts have come from that in your, in your self analysis?

Kara St. Cyr (18:23):

You know, it's interesting. Number one, I'm much more resilient than I ever thought that I could be, which is wonderful. I knew I was resilient already, but this just kind of took it to a whole nother level. And I I have heard several times that we train people on how to treat us. And I became very aware of how I had trained people to treat me. And I found myself honestly being bullied over there. And so what I've learned and stepped away with is I deserve more than that. And I know better on how to treat, teach people how to treat me and walked away knowing I will not be bullied. I will not allow myself to be bullied again. I have the strength and the tools to away from that and be okay with that and saying, I've learned now it's time to move on. What can I take with me on my next go round? So to speak, I'm all ready for another adventure. It is not me from finding adventure out there. Not at all.

Tina Marie St.Cyr (19:32):

Yeah. That did not quiet. That part of care at all. It's made it even louder because if you quarantine for nine months yeah.

Kara St. Cyr (19:44):

In a foreign country. Yes. And I laugh because, you know, my joke was there was a new group formed on Facebook. That was like your view out your back window when people were sharing what they were seeing when they were quarantined. And I spent nine months looking at a concrete basketball court. And so that was my view. And it was just a joke. No, it was not pretty, but it did become my joke of this is my view. So

Tina Marie St.Cyr (20:14):

Yeah, there you go. I love your attitude. So as a bond for our coach, you've helped many individuals that have come to the bond fires. We say they come with their own struggles or problem sets or a feeling of stuckness, whatever that is. We all have those seasons of our life. And you know, each one of us has that. Now, you know, wherever you are in your life, now, there's going to be a level of stuck somewhere in your life of where you're growing. And so let's, let's dive into talking about some of the people that you've helped Sans names. Of course some of the people that you've helped, what did they appear with? What were their goals and take us on the journey of you as a coach with your clients.

Kara St. Cyr (20:50):

I have the wonderful fortune of working with individuals who find themselves stuck as far as career-wise, I don't know what I want to do. I don't even know how to move forward. I've been looking for a job nothing's working. And so the individuals that have come to me that I've had the opportunity to work with don't know what that big vision is and don't know how to get to that big vision. And so I know one of the things, and one of the tools that has helped me so much in bonfire is the identification of my warrior and my Sabbath tour. And I find that I call on my warrior so much. And that's one thing that I have just so happily shared with my clients is helping them find who that warrior is and understanding that they have great strength, more strength than they thought. And so starting out on that foot and getting them to recognize that power and that energy, and with all of my clients, it's taking them to that next level as well. Let's get out of that energy, poor energy neutral, and get them above the line and aware that how they think and their connections and interactions with people will make a huge difference in their mindset and their success as well.

Tina Marie St.Cyr (22:11):

So tell us about a client. If you could think of a client that, that came with that and, and, you know, someone who latched on to that methodology of the sabotage and the warrior easily and made that transformation, where did he, or she, you know, transform into you know, where they L like you said, you you're a career coach that's your specialty here at bonfire? What was happening, where they laid off, or they in between jobs did they already have a job and they wanted to leap to the next one? You know, what was that like and working with your clients?

Kara St. Cyr (22:46):

I have one particular client in mind that I'm thinking of, and she was not happy in the role that she had and had been, trying to find other roles, but was having zero success with it. So within our first meeting we, we did our kickoff session. I kind of found out where her pains, where her hurts and everything were, and in that very next section session, we dove right into who's your seven tour, who's your warrior. And it was instantaneous that she knew who these individuals were and had a name for them. And really jumped in. And by our third session, she had both of them flushed out. She had names, she knew what they look like, and she was actually referring to herself as her wore your name and recognizing, Oh, that's my Savage tour, sneaking. In example, making her feel like an imposter that I'm here. And I, I know I know what I'm doing, but I think people think, I don't know what I'm doing. And so it was exciting to see her embrace that and understand that she's not an imposter. And that is just her lower mind having her believe that she is.

Tina Marie St.Cyr (24:04):

Yeah. How, how powerful is that right out of the gate, right. Only three sessions in to start having that energy of transformation. And what happened with her career pursuits.

Kara St. Cyr (24:16):

We worked on her resume. We worked on her Epic story, which is a big part of career coaching. And let her know that, you know, you want to be remembered when you have these interviews. So we worked on her resume, her Epic story, and we did, you know, used all of our tools. What are absolute mess in your career? What would be nice to have? What are the deal breakers? We're not looking for anything outside of these right here. And within honestly, three weeks, she had a job offer and it was for a position doing exactly what she wanted to do with her creativity and content development, she was remote, which is exactly what she was looking for. It was exactly, it was higher than, than the dollar amount that she put down on her would be nice to have. And from that moment on, it's just, I get so excited every time I talk to her because it's, I can't believe they're paying me to do this. I can't believe they really think that I can do this. I'm like you are, you did, you are you're proof. So,

Tina Marie St.Cyr (25:24):

And then there are their clients. And I know we, each one of us have these experiences that sometimes we will sign up for coaching and, and not, you know, dive into the possibility of all that's offered. And sometimes our resistance meets with our growth game. That part of us that wants to have a beautiful life, the next step, that journey, that adventure, and dive into it yet. There's this other part of us that holds us back that comfort zone. The, the part that's like, I already know this, if it, why do I need anything more than this? Why do I, I want to have a better life. I should just be okay, where I am. And in a coaching situation, you know, we, as coaches get to see that, that inner conflict, right? That, that conflict in that resistance portray itself in the coaching session and even in our client's lives. Could you share of a client that you've, you've also experienced that side of the equation with

Kara St. Cyr (26:23):

Absolutely. I'm working with an individual right now, who I will never forget. The first day she came in, it was just so energy, core, energy neutral, and she just was stuck. I don't know what to do with my life. I'm, I'm getting pushed by others to say, hurry up and make a decision. And there was fear that I'm going to make this decision, that I'm going to be stuck with it for the rest of my life. And it's that fear that I recognized that is keeping her from moving forward in that lower mind, thinking that says, well, I'm I'm, this is it. If I do this, I have to do it. And so it's exciting to open up their mind to the possibilities that no, you don't have to have one career. You can have five careers, you know, you can do this until you decide you don't like it.

Kara St. Cyr (27:12):

And then I know there's more out there that you are excited about. And so it's exciting and it's exciting to see how they light up and how the tools that we share with them can be helpful. And what's challenging for a coach is you want that success and you want that success. However, you have to recognize that I can't do the work for them into is one of my challenges with this particular client that I'm thinking is I just am so excited. I know the possibilities out there, however, without input and work on their side that achievement just won't be there. It's going to be a lot longer getting there.

Tina Marie St.Cyr (27:57):

Right? And I love that you point that out as coaches, we guide as coaches, we present tools and strategies and ways of being yet, our clients must do that, that old adage, that you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make them drink. Right? Yes. And that comfort zone side of us that what we learn here at bonfire is that the sabotage your mindset is all about certainty. It's all about comfort. It's all about safety. It's all about figuring it out, no risk there. Don't risk, anything. You've got to have absolute, you've got to know it's going to work. And boy is that painful? You know I know I was in a season of my own life where I wanted to have all the answers before I took a leap and that, you know, the leap that I ended up taking was a divorce.

Tina Marie St.Cyr (28:43):

I was the one that called for divorce in our marriage, my previous marriage. And it it's, wow, God, it takes so much courage and it you're going to leap into the unknown. I was married for 20 years and I, it is just painful and it wasn't just painful for me, you know, it's painful for the other as well. We, we, weren't a great match. We, we loved each other, but it wasn't of love. It was, you know, we'd grown to the place where it was just simply roommates and sometimes not even really great roommates. And so I knew something had to shift. I just, you just know in your life when that pain is just there and it's there all the time and you're trying to make it look good. You're, you're going to therapy to try and find the, the, you know, that magic pill that you can take to, to make life shift.

Tina Marie St.Cyr (29:30):

And it's just more painful because that pill didn't work and the other pill didn't work and this thing didn't work. And the truth is you realize you have to face it and go, what really needs to happen. We need to love each other enough to say goodbye to each other. We're you know, we're really good at hellos we're crap at breakups. And and so I had to summon the courage to make that leap and to take that move. And it's for years, for years, I was in anguish. I was in absolute anguish of thinking, I'm going to screw stuff up. Can I just be happy here? Why do I, why do I can't work? Why can't I find a happiness? I just be a happy person. And and I didn't know, you know, and I was looking for that certainty and certainty. The looking for certainty was the thing that was keeping me stuck. And so in our clients' lives, we see that that oftentimes they, they're looking for certainty. They're looking to make sure there's going to be a guarantee. You know, like I'm going to sign up for coaching. You're going to have the answers. I'm going to do what you tell me to do. And whenever you tell me to do this, then it's going to give me that outcome that I want and coaching isn't that isn't Kara.

Kara St. Cyr (30:41):

No, not at all, not at all. It's it's, there must be a willingness to be open and receptive to what the universe has to offer and to become much more intuitive in what those ones are that you actually have, and have an understanding of how to actually get to that. And so there is that sense of safety. Okay. If I just consider status quo, I'm not miserable, but I'm just not happy, but it's safe. It's comfortable. And God, just through experience and understanding, there's so much more out there. We just have to let ourselves be open to it. And that's it. That's what I like to bring people to is being open, finding that receptivity and having those aha moments

Tina Marie St.Cyr (31:35):

And, and journeying with them through the process. So who would be that person that you would say, if I'm, I'm putting out my calling to you and they're listening, they're here part of our audience. And they're saying I really resonate with Kara. Her journey is made me curious. Who is it that you're saying, if this is you, if this is your mindset of this is your current state of affairs. If this is your vision and your want for yourself, then I would love to meet you. And I'd love to have the opportunity to coach you. Who would that person be?

Kara St. Cyr (32:08):

No, it's, it's the individual who is stuck in their current life right now that knows there's something more out there. Whether it be, I want a new career or a new job, or whether it's, I want to grow in this job, I just don't know how to do it. I would love to work with you to help you get to that point where you are in an, in a job or a career that you find extremely fulfilling and that you get energy from and to give you the, to grow and learn so that you can then share your knowledge and your talents and your skills with those who you are working with. And so I really get very excited about those challenges of wanting that growth, but not knowing where you're going or one can change, but not knowing exactly how to make that change. So if you're stuck and you want some more excitement and you want to grow in your career and in your life I'm looking for you. I have my life experiences, and I love to bring those to the table and share with people share with these individuals who are, who are lost and stuck and share with them the possibilities of where you can go and you don't have to stay stuck. And so if you're looking to move forward, come see me.

Tina Marie St.Cyr (33:32):

Yeah. She's Kara is an amazing coach. I love Cara's way of being. And just a, an aside, she's a tall woman and she wears heels. That speaks volumes. So ladies, if you're listening, you know, if you've got a tall lady and she comes with those heels, not just little heels, you get that. What three inchers.

Kara St. Cyr (33:53):

I love heels. I love that

Tina Marie St.Cyr (33:55):

When you can rock the heels as the tall women, like that's some confidence inside of your backbone. I love it. That's cool. So thank you for being a bond for our coach. Thank you for taking that leap and saying yes. And adding your skillsets. People probably haven't heard, you'll read in Kara's bio at bond product, coaching.com that she is a corporate trainer and she's trained manager. She trains the leaders inside large organizations. That's why she was flown and hired into the S a Saudi Arabian company to bring her skillsets over there, to train their leadership and their executives. And so if you find yourself on that career track, if you're brand new into corporate America or corporate anything, and you're saying, I want to become an effective leader, speaker, presenter guide within my organization, then Kara has great skills, great aptitudes, great understanding there. And if you're in a career and you say, I want to take a leap, I'm not happy where I am. I know that there's more out there. You want a career guide to help you then Carrie, as your coach,

Kara St. Cyr (34:58):

You say that so eloquently. Thank you very much. You nailed it. You're welcome.

Tina Marie St.Cyr (35:03):

Yeah. I have a background in radio and TV, so I know how to talk. Awesome. Thank you so much for sharing your energy here, Kara love being in the coaching family with you and watching you shine and watching all the clients that you get to help and seeing them emerge. It's just wonderful to watch. And it's a, it happens so fast. That's, what's fun. Once they dive in, they're like, Whoa, this is cool. It happened, right?

Kara St. Cyr (35:35):

Yeah. Living proof to show you how well it can work. And that's what I want to share. Absolutely.

Tina Marie St.Cyr (35:42):

That's awesome though. Thank you for being an audience member of the light, your life podcast. We are in your ear once a week, and please do subscribe and share that the wisdom that you find here with others, that's how we grow and how we can vibrate out into the world and affect a humanity that is ready and hungry for positive change in their lives. That's what the strategies here at light your life bring you. I'm your host. Tina Marie St. Sarah. I love that. You're here with us. Thank you for listening. And thank you for sharing. Find us at bonfire, coaching.com and then find all of our social handles right there. And if you go over to the about and scroll down to the team, you're going to meet our coaches and Kara St. Sarah, is there. Go read her bio, get to see her lovely picture and hear more about her there, and then say yes to a discovery session because you get to meet Kara States here, reach out and let us see you too. Thank you. Have a wonderful day.


#32: My Pandemic from Examining Eyes to Making Monday in the Stock Market with Asma Alsalameh


#30: Spending Time Alone Purposefully