Time Management for Peace of Mind

Woman with clock on face in front of yellow wall

Until I am measured I am not known.
Yet how you miss me when I have flown.
What am I?
Time is the container that we measure to prove our worth, our productivity, our progress, and, many times our very happiness.

Time is a resource that we compare, underutilize, complain about, force, waste, and desire more of.
We can hear ourselves say,
“ If only I had more time.”
“This is taking too much time.”
“I wish I had another day to get this done.”
I heard a great perspective once at a training event that helped me begin to realize, it was not time I needed to most measure, it was my use and respect of the time I had that was more important.
“The man shouted to the air at the end of his work day when he had many items left to do on his plate, “God, if only I had more time!”  And on that day God answered, “I gave everyone 24 hours in each day, give me more YOU!”
How we utilize, respect, and honor the resource we call time is the most important time management strategy I could impart to you.
I could inform you of systems like the Pomodoro method which will help you chunk time into 20-minute slots or take up the 75 Hard challenge which will have you become a master of time and resources if you are to win, or I could suggest a planning tool, calendar system or project management app.
All in all, you will gravitate to a system that will work for you. There are plenty of time organization methods and systems in the world.
What is most important in any regard is the observance of your want to be disciplined and respectful of the very limited resource we have been given: Time.
At the young age of 49, my father, I am sure, believed he had more time to live. He never saw his 50th birthday.
A dear friend, Don, while entertaining guests at his home, tripped and hit his head on a stair. It was his last day at the tender age of 54.
I could go on and on about the people who passed too soon. You could too.
Did they feel happy in their lives? Did they feel they had given all they could give into each day?
You are given 24 hours each day.
You are expecting the ability to fill a year ahead with productivity and dreams achieved.
First respect each day.
Wake up and say “Thank you” for your brand new, never ever lived before day. 
Use time to tell people you love them.
Plan to connect with a friend.
Intend to hug more, appreciate more and smile more.
Focus on being kind, empathetic, and a great role model.
Learn that it is okay to say NO to distractions, obligations, or requests when you know you already have items to focus on, complete, and celebrate.
Develop healthy boundaries and use your courageous voice to communicate your needs so you stop wasting time on things that do not lead to your happiness and fulfillment.
Make the word Focus one of your power words for this year.
Instead of aiming to achieve 12 things in one day, aim for 3.
Jump out of bed in full gratitude that today is a beautiful new day.
Label the SNOOZE button, EVIL LAZY BUTTON.
Plan to eat healthily, drink more water, meditate and breathe deeply. The more vitalistic energy you have in your body and mind, the more efficient you will be with the use of your time.
What I have learned in my 53 years is that when we focus on the essential things, the rest of life takes care of itself.
There is an awesome saying that is 100% true:
“If you want something done, give it to a busy person.”
Although I change it, mainly because I do not resonate with the word ‘busy’.
I am productive, not busy.
Busy is a four-letter word and allows for excuses, and the ability to put our needs and busyness above the needs of others, making us egotistical or non-feeling.
I aim to be effortlessly productive, energized in my decisions, and happy every day.
If you want something done, give it to a productive person. They will have learned how to manage their time, be efficient, be resourceful, and will let you know if they cannot do it because they value their time and follow through more than their need to be a people pleaser.
Time Management = Mental Perspective Management.
“Give me more you”, God said.
You are the ‘be all end all’ of your perspective of who you want to be and how you want to be.
Time is merely a container that you can use to measure your happiness.
A goal’s greatest reward is not in its being achieved, it is who you become when you achieve it.
Blessings for this year ahead.
Thank you for being part of the Bonfire.
Watch for a great announcement from my desk in a few days.
In the meantime, share this email/post with someone you love. Decide to have one takeaway from this reading impact your life and use of time.
Reply to this post and let us know what your takeaway is so we can send energy your way in your highest becoming.
Tina Marie St.Cyr


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