Have you tapped into the energy richness of 2021?
Here we are… both feet into a brand-new year!
Have you tapped into the energy richness of 2021?
Your new year will be the sum of your creative mind, your new focus and pursuit of your heart’s desires.
When our lives have meaning and purpose, we naturally feel more engaged, energized and present.
To help you find direction and purpose in your New Year, we have put together tips for creating a meaningful and progressive next 365 days in this handy TIP GUIDE.
PLUS, we have made a NEW YEAR LAUNCH Package just for you!
Launch your New Year with Clarity, Energy and a real Action PLAN.
Partner with a Strategy Coach to plan out your year today.
Our Best Tips for Achieving Results
Write goals down and review them periodically
Goals that are not written down are destined to fail quickly. Write them out, and not just anywhere. Keep your list of New Year’s goals in a place where you will see them regularly, so you can review your progress and recommit on a consistent basis. Make sure they are measurable and chunked down to steps you can take. Make progress on the goals that matter the most to you EVERYDAY.
Write your goals on the bathroom mirror where you will see them first and last thing every day.
For goals that require accountability for success, affix them to your fridge, put them on your rear-view mirror, have a copy in front of you at your desk.
Take a photo of your resolutions and post them as your computer’s screensaver or as your smart phone wallpaper.
2. Create goals for different areas of your life
Sure, you may be most concerned that you get your finances in order, or maybe lose that extra twenty pounds, but how about other areas of life? I have found that choosing the three top areas for improvement in your life allows the energy of all three moving forward to help you breakthrough to the next level of life. Choose three – the power of three is magical.
Relationship goals
Work/ career goals
Business growth goals
Spiritual goals
Health and Fitness goals
Finance goals
Daily routines; Better habits in general
Creating a healthy support network for yourself
3. Set goals that are realistic and attainable
While it would be great to lose 30 pounds, get out of debt, and get a new job that pays twice your salary in the coming year, you do want to make sure that any resolutions you set are ones you can accomplish in twelve months. So instead of setting a huge goal that involves lots of steps, work on framing your goals as smaller tasks that can be accomplished reasonably. Chunking things down to weekly or daily bites allows you to celebrate wins more frequently and keeps you engaged on making progress.
I will replace my nighttime snack of a bowl of ice cream with sugar free pudding.
I will pay $25 a week towards my smallest debt.
I will revise my resume and then begin to look online for available jobs in my skill set.
4. Make goals that are measurable
In order to stick to your New Year’s resolutions, you need to be able to see consistently that you’re on the right track. The best way to do that is to set goals that can be measured again and again over short periods of time.
“I will sit at the table with my children for breakfast at least five mornings a week.” Instead of, “I will make more time for my family.”
“I will invite one friend out for coffee every other Wednesday evening.” Instead of, “I will be better at keeping in touch with friends.”
“I will straighten the house for 15 minutes every day after dinner.” Instead of “I will keep my house cleaner.”
5. Design goals that can be accomplished with a partner
What are the main reasons New Year’s resolutions are so hard to fulfill? They’re hard work and no one tends to notice if you give up on them! So, go ahead and change that by teaming up with a friend or spouse to accomplish a goal together. You are bound to have more fun when you’re working together, and you won’t be so tempted to give up if someone else is counting on you.
Sign up for a fitness challenge at your local health club with a friend or group of friends.
Swap off nights with your husband to check your kid’s homework or read aloud to them from a favorite book.
Agree to teach a Sunday school class with your best friend.
6. Reward yourself for achieving your goals
Finally, the pay off! You will be much more inclined to set resolutions next year if you can remember the thrill and the reward of accomplishing goals this year. Just make sure that your reward doesn’t make it harder to accomplish any of your other goals. Meaning, if you’re trying to cut back on debt, don’t reward yourself for losing weight with a trip to Hawaii!
Treat yourself to a movie night out after you accomplish that fitness challenge.
Take a nap on a weekend afternoon each week you accomplish a specific number of goals.
Allocate a few dollars more to savings each week you pay down a debt and do something fun with the savings when the debt is paid off.
Treat yourself to a small something once a month for having hit your goals.
We wish you the best of luck and focus toward a GREAT NEW YEAR!
You can do it!
And…. if you find yourself ready for amazing, fun, support and new strategies to do life and win, reach out to Bonfire Coaching for a Complimentary Discovery Session. (ADD LINK)
“Goals Go Better with a Bonfire Coach”
Tina Marie St.Cyr and the Bonfire Coaching team