Cultivate an Optimal Mindset for Personal Growth
Maximizing your personal growth is a worthy pursuit. In fact, once people reach a level of certainty in their lives, they focus on personal development and contribution as their primary purpose in life. Personal growth takes, not only attention and focus, it takes investments of time, and often money.
Personal growth can range from ending bad habits, like procrastination or having poor boundaries to seeking self-actualization and enlightenment. Investing in one’s own development pays off in many immeasurable ways.
All in all, cultivating a strong mindset will allow your focus on personal growth to be sustainable and impactful in your life.
Mindset makes all the difference!
Consider developing these qualities to optimize your growth:
Have an open mind. Personal growth requires considering new perspectives, ideas, habits, and beliefs. If you’re dead set on approaching the world in a particular way, you’re greatly limiting your growth. Only when you are open to all the various possibilities can your growth be maximized.
When you are feeling longing, discontent, or hurt these are signs that you have some growth to pursue. If your lower mind, which fixates on certainty, is feeling stuck you may be approaching life from a closed mind.
Are you open to the idea that you might change your objectives based on new things that you discover about the world and yourself?
Have an interest in learning. Are you willing to learn about goal setting? Overcoming fear? Discipline? Communication skills? Reading about new ideas? There’s a lot that you don’t know that you need to know if you’re going to become everything that you’re capable of being.
Have the willingness to fail. Trying new things requires failure. It’s rare and lucky to succeed at something the first time. Whether you’re learning to be a better public speaker, taking a class, or learning how to play the violin, there will be a failure.
Failure provides the opportunity to learn and then to apply that knowledge during future attempts.
Have the desire to experiment. Should you eat a vegan, vegetarian, or paleo diet? Try them all and see what works for you. You can’t be certain what you want to have, do, or be until you’ve experimented and found the best answer for yourself.
Have the ability to set your ego aside. Your ego is a major obstacle when it comes to maximizing your personal growth. Your ego makes you more likely to be certain you’re right when you’re wrong. It leads you to blame others when the fault could be your own. It also makes you afraid to fail.
Value improvement over perfection. Daily improvement is incredibly powerful. I often say that “Progress = Happiness.” It’s not possible to be great at something instantly. When you can get excited about improving by 1% at something, you have a great mindset for personal growth.
Develop Patience. Personal growth is an ongoing process. Even figuring out the ideal sleeping schedule can take several weeks of trial and error. Getting organized is a repetitive process of trial and error. It takes time to get over your social anxiety or lose weight. Patience is an important factor!
Develop Determination. Changing and growing isn’t for the weak. It’s important to be determined and committed to changing yourself and your life.
Determination is a valuable asset to have in many facets of life. Even people with minimal talent have become incredibly successful through great determination.
Personal growth is challenging and very rewarding. Growth is easier with a mindset that supports your desires and dreams. Too many people try to grind their way to progress, but real growth requires more finesse much of the time. Grinding also isn’t sustainable for most people and over time you will feel burned out and overwhelm.
Your mindset can be your shortcut to effortless personal growth. The optimal mindset for personal growth is open, curious, determined, and patient. Take a hard look at your mindset before continuing on your personal development journey.
Reap the rewards of your investment of time, money, and attention toward your growth through mindfulness.
The Bonfire toolset helps each of our clients develop an “Above the Line” Mindset of curiosity, openness, focus, and determination.
We believe in you!
You’ve got this!
High fives,
Tina Marie St.Cyr